Fence height guidelines

Fence height guidelines

14th September 2020 | Green Tornado

Having a new fence erected can take careful planning and there are certain rules and guidelines that should be adhered to.

How high can my fence be?

For homeowners in the UK, there are rules and regulations to follow before erecting a fence. If you are having a new fence put up in the back garden it can’t be any higher than 2 metres. It’s slightly different for the front garden, as the height is restricted to a maximum of 1 metre.

Planning permission will need to be applied for if you are looking to erect a fence that is over 2 metres high, or if you wish to place a fence that is higher than 1 metre that is next to a highway. Apply to your local council to obtain planning permission. Failure to do so could result in the fence having to be taken down. Also, local councils may differ on regulations slightly, so always best to double-check with them first, if you’re unsure.

Consideration to neighbours

Our home is our castle and we sometimes forget that neighbours can be affected by perimeters (i.e. fences) being erected. Too low and privacy can be lost from both sides of the fence. Too high and natural light and surrounding views can be restricted. We would always recommend a chat with the immediate neighbours first, so they are aware of possible changes and the effect it could have on their property. That way problems can be discussed and ironed out before any fences are put up.

Ensure your fence is secure

To ensure your fence stays in place during high winds, we would suggest that your fence panels are secured with fence posts. The general rule is that a 2ft hole should be dug out for the fence post to sit in. This way you get a safe and secure holding for your fence panels to slot into.

Fence types

If you don’t have the need for privacy too much, then trellis toppers are one of the great options for fences. Lower fence panels between 4ft or 5ft can gain additional height with a trellis-style added to the top. They allow light to penetrate through the top and tall plants can be tied for support.

You’ll often see fence panels that don’t have a straight level top either. Waved, curved and even wavey trellises are a clever way to soften the garden perimeters, making fencing a very attractive boundary for your garden and surrounding area.

Thinking of having new fences? Then give us a call on call 0800 788 0623 or 01277 286504.

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