How to grow vegetables in wet summers

How to grow vegetables in wet summers

10th August 2023

Ever looked out on a gloomy, muggy day, where sidewalks bear the marks of rain, and water pools in places you'd rather not step? Instead of complaining, let’s harness it. Sure, June wasn't sunny as we'd hoped. Some plants, like peppers and tomatoes, might pout in the damp, and the ever-persistent slugs might go to town on your lettuce. Yet, there are plants that thrive in such conditions.

It’s true, most plants aren’t fans of prolonged soaking. And, if your garden beds look more like kiddie pools after a downpour, it might be time to think elevation. But for those dealing with consistently moist soil – picking the right plants is key.

Perennials often fare better than their annual counterparts in unpredictable summers. Once they've rooted down, plants like skirret, salsify, yacon, sweet cicely, jerusalem, and artichokes, not to mention fruits like apples, pears, and various berries, often prosper. Especially if they're planted on raised beds or mounds for better drainage.

Have you heard of Mashua? It's an age-old root from the Andes that loves a wet summer. It doesn't succumb to the typical issues potatoes might face in these conditions. It's got gorgeous scarlet flowers, and with a bit of nutrient-rich soil and support, you're in for a treat. Do keep in mind to nourish it well or you'll end up with petite tubers.

Rainy days? Think watercress! The prime stuff grows in pristine waters of chalk streams, but you can get decent results with good ol' rainwater. Just ensure the water isn't stagnant. A pot with a deep saucer should do the trick, and remember to change the water if the rain doesn't do it for you.

Fancy growing something a bit exotic? Try wasabi. It'salmost like planting a treasure chest given the price tag on fresh wasabi. It's a bit finicky with a disdain for slugs, but if you've got a shaded balcony or rooftop, give it a go. It thrives in humidity and prefers the shade.

If you were hoping to grow amaranths, next year might be your best shot, as they flourish when started early, around April. They're gorgeous, with a vibrant mix of yellow, red, and pink flowers. And did we mention? Their seeds are tiny nutrition powerhouses that can be sprinkled onto rice for an added kick.

At L&J Outdoor Services, we believe every weather has its silver lining – it's all about working with nature and not against it. Whether you're looking to optimize your garden for the rain or find solutions for other outdoor challenges, we're here to help.

For more information, please contact L&J Outdoor Services.

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